This 3 day immersion is great if you are a teacher and want to get certified in yin or if you are just a practitioner and want to deepen your understanding and knowledge of this amazing style of yoga. This training will be the perfect blend of lecture, yin yoga classes with live music and practice teaching. Open to all students - no experience necessary and a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certificate is not required. If you are a teacher you will receive YA continuing education credit hours. $275 before September 1st and $300 after.
The training will meet Friday 6-9pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, and Sunday 9am-4pm.
This unique weekend immersion will include:
-A historical perspective of Yin Yoga and its roots
-Yoga anatomy from a Yin perspective
-Benefits of Yin Yoga
-The Basic 26 postures
-Meridian Theory and the use of Yin Yoga for targeted results
-Yin vs Restorative Yoga
-Yin Yoga for Athletes
-Teaching guidelines and how to design a practice
-Yin yoga sequences for various meridians and lifestyles
-Tools, practices and resources to lead yin yoga classes
Recommended pre-reading: The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark OR Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers