Thursday 19th
R A D I A N T B O D Y: Somatics and Embodiment Techniques
9am-5pm (with breaks and lunch)
Deepen and expand your repertoire of yoga practice , teaching skills, and sense of presence in your body through complimentary movement techniques that support a radiant body of movement. A day to completely nourish and refuel your tank at the physical level. Come away with fresh eyes to your practice and plenty of new approaches to renew your teaching.
Our topics covered for day one: Somatics, Embodiment, Sensation tracking and sensory development, Laban Movement Analysis for asana, Developmental Movement Patterning for asana, Pleasure as a principle of living, introduction to free-form movement styles.
day 2
Friday 20th
F U L L H E A R T: Practicing and Teaching from a Broken Open Heart. 9am-5pm (with breaks and lunch)
Hone your capacity to feel fully so you can bring your whole heart to the table of your practice, teaching, and all interactions. We’ll spend the day tending our hearts through chanting, asana practice, and lessons in emotional intelligence and resilience. Come away more in touch with your width of emotional capacity and expression, tools for greater emotional regulation, and renewed depth of capacity to be present with students in their own experiences on the mat.
Our topics covered for day two: Applied Psychology for Yogis Map of Psycho-Social-Emotional Development, Polyvagal Theory and the Nervous System, Attachment Theory and Bonding as it relates to yoga, Emotional expression and regulation through asana, music and song as gateways to free the heart.
day 3
Saturday 21st
C L E A R M I N D: Facing the Shadow to Enhance Vision and Voice
9am-5pm (with breaks and lunch)
Using principles and tools from Somatic Psychology, we’ll spend the day refining our minds capacity to see and think clearly. Together we’ll work through shadows, projections and other pitfalls of the practice so that we can show up more clearly and vibrantly than ever before. Through this deep work we’ll develop our capacity to use our voices for more truth and beauty in the spaces we inhabit.
Our topics covered for day three: Inner and Intrapsychic phenomena; Shadow, Projection, Transference, and Counter-Transference, Eroticism in the field of yoga, alchemizing the shadow through voice and creative expression
Saturday 21st Special Addition: Evening Community Dinner, Bonfire and Singing Circle. 6:30pm
day 4
Sunday 22nd
W H O L E S P I R I T: Cultivating Vibrant Communities
10am-2pm (with breaks)
Develop your capacity to lead with greater vulnerability and integrity, bringing more vitality to the communities you serve and are a part of. We’ll explore healthy boundaries, useful ways to foster community development, and spend time working through some of yoga’s difficult spaces. Come away with a deeper sense of inner integrity, creative spirit and willingness to engage.
Our topics covered for day four: Family Systems Theory and The Circumplex Model for healthy communities, Yogi Town Hall, Boundary Building, Scope of Practice, Finding authentic doorways for yourself as a teacher and leader.